Host Pricing

Our Data Centers

You can select a location in United States or Europe.


Redundant network from multiple sources, redundant power supply and backup generators.


Systems management with highly trained technical for networking and systems monitoring.


Temperature control systems, earthquakes absorption, smoke detection and fire suppression systems.


Supported by physical security, video surveillance, security breach alarms.


Using high quality bandwidth providers known for their performance.


Cutting edge technologies and services, high quality servers and infrastructure equipment with a 99.5% uptime guarantee.

Our Price

Shared Windows Hosting

1 Website for many domain names, 3GB SSD Webspace, 30GB Bandwidth, IIS 10.x, Windows Server 2022, Full/Medium Trust Supported, Integrated/Classic Mode, Dedicated Application Pool, ASP.NET Core 7.0 - 1.0, ASP.NET Framework 4.8 - 2.0, Classic ASP, PHP 8.x - 5.2.x, MVC 6 - 1.

Database hosted on separate servers: 1 DB, 0.5GB SSD Diskspace, MSSQL 2022/2019 or MySQL 8.x - 5.x.

Available: 14 days free trial
12 Months 12 x 230 = 2760 EGP
6 Months 6 x 290 = 1740 EGP
3 Months 3 x 310 = 930 EGP
App Pool 128 MB
12 Months 12 x 400 = 4800 EGP
6 Months 6 x 450 = 2700 EGP
3 Months 3 x 480 = 1440 EGP
App Pool 256 MB
12 Months 12 x 570 = 6840 EGP
6 Months 6 x 620 = 3720 EGP
3 Months 3 x 650 = 1950 EGP
App Pool 512 MB
Less Shared Windows Hosting

For your extremely busy websites, we allow maximum 10 customers to share the same resources of web server and database server for better performance.

12 Months 12 x 1690 = 20280 EGP
6 Months 6 x 1740 = 10440 EGP
3 Months 3 x 1770 = 5310 EGP
App Pool 1 GB
For All Shared Hosting

Emails: 100 Email Boxes, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, Webmail Access, Mailing List.

Hardware: SSD Application Server Cloud, SSD File Storage Cloud, SSD Database Server.

Security: Firewall, Anti Virus, Anti Spam.

Installable applications: Acquia Drupal, Umbraco, RazorC.Net, BlogEngine.NET, DasBlog, DotNetNuke Community Edition, Gallery Server Pro, Kentico CMS For ASP.NET, Kooboo CMS, MojoPortal, My Web Pages Starter Kit, NopCommerce, Orchard, PhpBB3, ScrewTurn Wiki, SilverStripe, Joomla, Wordpress, Many More+.

Not Available: Control Panel.